Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE logo


Since 2006,
this store has existed to support the
Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Thrift clothes hanging

April 10th, 2006

Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store Opens
in Lakes Laundromat Building

The Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store opened its doors and commenced operation in the Lakes Laundromat building in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota in 2006.

The responses to the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store have been overwhelming, which has made this a fun venture.

Staff stocking shelves

October 2007

Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store moves into former Ben Franklin

Being in operation just a little over six months, the new Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store found itself in need of more space and moved its business to 908 Washington Avenue in Detroit Lakes.

The original store was about 1,000 square feet. The Ben Franklin space consisted of approximately 8,000 square feet of selling floor space and about 5,000 square feet for sorting and storage. 

Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store in former Pamida building

April 26th, 2010

Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE opens in former Pamida

Getting everything under one roof, the ability to house more products, and additional parking are a few of the reasons the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store moved to the former Pamida building along Highway 10 East. Having visibility of the store from Highway 10 was also a plus to the new location.

Discount groceries, dollar store items, a party section, and closeout items were added to the store and because of these expanded offerings, the thrift store leadership added “MORE’ to the store’s name.
2020 Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store

February 3rd, 2020

Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE opens in former Kmart

The new location in the former Kmart building is almost twice as big as the former thrift store building on Highway 10 East (previous Pamida Store building). Outgrowing their previous space, management needed to put overflow of their items in semi-trailers because there wasn’t enough room in the Highway 10 East Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE building to display the items for sale.

The store expands from 45,000 to 80,000 square feet of shopping area. The new space also has a bigger parking lot with enough space for a donation drop-off door with drive-through access.

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