•  A Community caring for youth


The Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
has a rich history of service to youth and community support.

• • •

A community who cares for families and youth is UNSTOPPABLE.

Thank you for being part of this community.

 •  an unstoppable community supports us  • 

Our Mission

The purpose of the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE is to provide funding for the Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, through sales of the items at its store. The sales of the store provide at least 40% of the Club’s budget each year.

We are grateful to all of our donors, volunteers, and our community members who help us make sales and support reality for the benefit of youth and their families.

The Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization registered in the United States of America.


Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes, MN
 •  our local club  • 

Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes
 •  since 1957  • 

Club History

Mrs. Bernice Crovisier

The Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes has been serving local kids since 1957, longer than any other Club in the State of Minnesota. For over 60 years, the Club “on the hill” has symbolized children, fun, and the future.

It all started on December 20th, 1955, when Mrs. Bernice Crovisier gave a gift to the City of Detroit Lakes. She gifted a 10-acre parcel of property, formerly home to the Crovisier family, to specifically be used as a children’s park as she recalled her own twelve children enjoying the land.

Within a year of Mrs. Crovisier’s gift, Independent Consolidated District 1 donated a former rural school house to the City of Detroit Lakes. The building was moved to the park to serve as a warming house for boys and girls. At the same time, community members were actively working to provide a solution to increased juvenile delinquency in the community. Meetings were organized and youth activities began to take shape.

Our Club is a safe, healthy environment

In June of 1957, organized efforts of the community of Detroit Lakes enabled affiliation with the Boys Club of America. The Boys Club of Detroit Lakes became the first organized Club in Minnesota.

In the 1990s, in Detroit Lakes and across the nation, Clubs changed their name to the “Boys & Girls Club”.

Thank you for supporting local youth
 •  stewards of a community mission • 
Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE logo

Board of Directors

A group of gracious volunteers LEAD, MAKE DECISIONS, and CARE for the Thrift Store & MORE.

Matt Johnson Board Presideent


Board President

Matt is a partner and the Chief Operating Officer at PRO Resources in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

What I value most about the thrift store is that we are providing much needed operating dollars for the Boys and Girls Club of Detroit Lakes and thereby provide invaluable services to the youth of the community and the community as a whole - because the healthy development of our community's youth is an investment that pays perpetual dividends.

Scott Busker, Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Scott is the Chief Business Development Officer at PRO Resources in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

It's so rewarding to be part of such a meaningful mission where everyone wins. First, donors feel good about donating their used goods to the store. Secondly, the community and surrounding area finds value and enjoyment in the shopping experience. Finally, 100% of the proceeds go to support our Detroit Lakes Boys and Girls Club. It’s truly a genuine “win – win”


Board Member

Ken is the Co-Owner of Foltz Trucking of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.


I have been involved with the Boys & Girls Club for over 20 years and am very passionate about their mission: “To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens”.
The Thrift Store has been a huge asset to help us accomplish the Mission of the Boys & Girls Club.

Sandy Gunderson, Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Sandy is the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator, the Recycling Coordinator, and the Waste Educator for Becker County Environmental Service.

What I value the most is the opportunity to positively affect change and support the Boys and Girls Club Organization and its members. We work in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Detroit Lakes to ‘Enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens’.

Craig Koep, Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Craig is a Sr. VP/Chief Credit Officer at Midwest Bank in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

What I value about this store is that it is truly a community-driven business that benefits not only individuals/families for their shopping needs, but also provides direct financial support to every-day programming for kids at our Boys and Girls Club here in Detroit Lakes.

Ronald Mueller, Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Ronald is the President Market Manager for Bremer Bank. 

I enjoy being a valued partner with the Boys and Girls Club to provide financial assistance and create awareness of the organization.

Pat Petermann, Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Non-voting Board Member

Patrick is the Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Detroit Lakes.

The Boys & Girls Club and BGC Thrift Store in partnership, are able to provide more opportunities for our club members and their families. I appreciate that all the hard work by our staff, both boards of directors and all of our friends/donors in our community have been supportive of our mission throughout our years of continued growth.

Tiffiny Walz, Thrift Store & MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Tiffiny co-owns and administrates Meadowland Surveying, Inc.

This store is truly a community-driven business that benefits not only individuals/families for their shopping needs, but also provides direct financial support to every-day programming for kids at our Boys and Girls Club here in Detroit Lakes.

Gaylen Weisenberger, Thrift Store& MORE Board of Directors


Board Member

Past Board President

Gaylen volunteers for Farm Rescue, the BGC Store and Club. He is a part time bus driver who often transports kids to the Club.

I really like the unique connection between the Store and Club. Employment opportunities at the Store for people in the community result in contributing to all the great services available for kids at the Club.

Gary Thompson Board of Directors


Board Member

Gary owns and operates Tri-State Diving in Detroit Lakes, MN.

I have been with the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store since its inception, on the Club Endowment board, and on the Club's Board of Directors. It is rewarding to be part of keeping things going and give scholarships to kids who would not be able to be part of the Club without this support.

 •  taking care of business  • 

Management Team

This team takes care of the daily operations of the Thrift Store & MORE.

Nick Stickler, Thrift Store & MORE Manager


General Manager

Nick is the General Manager at the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE.

I like that our work here at the Thrift Store & MORE benefits kids in the community. Being able to see the new club and what good comes from our work here is something special that not many people have the chance to do!

Karen Pieper, Thrift Store & MORE Accountant


Bookkeeper | Recorder

Karen is the Bookkeeper at the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE and the Board Recorder.

I value the people involved in this mission. From the team members, through management, through the Board members of these two Boys & Girls Club related organizations. They all work in tandem to provide a safe environment for kids of all ages to increase learning, experience personal growth and community interaction.

Michelle Dwinell, Assistant General Manager


Assistant General Manager

Michelle is the Assistant General Manager at the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE.

I have worked at the Thrift Store & MORE for nine years. I love everything about it! I never know what or who I will see coming into the store. The customers are so awesome! They get so excited when they find something in our store.

Curtis Ripplinger, Assistant General Manager


Assistant Manager

Curtis is an Assistant Manager at the Boys & Girls Club Thrift Store & MORE.

I enjoy the flexibility we have in managing this store. We can get creative with a variety of sales that are best for the customer and the support of programming at the local Boys & Girls Club programming in Detroit Lakes.

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